Lost Art of Nursing   Museum & Gallery

About the Curator - Meet Melodie Chenevert

   Melodie Chenevert directs her own company, PRO-NURSE, which provides products and services designed to increase professional pride and productivity. She is the author of STAT: Special Techniques in Assertiveness Training, the Pro-Nurse Handbook for the nurse who wants to thrive professionally; Mosbys Tour Guide to Nursing School (a survival guide for nursing students); a career planner What Next Nurse?; and a coloring book What Do Nurses Do? to introduce children to the many roles nurses play.

    As a professional speaker she has conducted workshops in 49 of the 50 states as well as in Canada, England, Australia, and Japan focusing on communication skills, management strategies, creativity and innovation.

    She received her diploma from Methodist-Kahler School of Nursing in Rochester, MN; her bachelors and masters degrees from the University of Washington-Seattle with a clinical specialty in psychiatric nursing; and an M.A. in Journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Before forming her own company, she worked as a staff nurse, play therapist/child mental health clinician, nursing instructor, and even set up an entire school of nursing from scratch.

     Melodie now lives in her favorite place on earth Cannon Beach, OR where she has opened the Lost Art of Nursing Museum.